
My ideal job

Hello, everybody. Today I'm going to talk about my ideal job. Well, when I start thinking about my ideal job, I couldn't think about the place or institution that I would like to work, but certainly I know what I want to do. I would like to work in poor neighborhoods, helping people in a couple of ways to improve their life skills. Related with this, there's a government program called 'Servicio País' where two professionals, go to distant cities to work with people that need support in big troubles that communities have. This two professionals, must had studied different careers, for each one could help in different ways to resolve the problems.

To enter 'Servicio País' you have to postulate in the Foundation for the overcoming of the poverty and the conditions are that you have to have an academic degree (psychologyst, sociologyst, public administrator, etc.) and have the desire to work along two years far away from your home, family and friends. Moreover, you must be a proactive person, with desires to work in problematic contexts and without intentions to have a great salary.

I would be good at this job because of I could know beautiful places, work with interesting and very different people and principally because of with a partner we could make a real contribution to the people.

I think that the most difficult thing that I have to pass for get this job is that a lot of people postulate to 'Servicio País', then I could be chosen or not according to an interview and my achievements along my life, but it's a lot of good candidates! In spite of this, I would like to get this job, I hope one day I could.

That's all Good Bye everyone.


  1. it's curious -well, not much if you think that generelly what you could expect from guys studing carees like ours- that the ideal jobs... are, similiar... like doing social intervention

    that's very encouraging, don't you think?

  2. Eduardo,
    It’s good to know that you already have some ideas about what you would like to be doing in the future. I hope your wishes come true so that you get to help those people in need.
    Congratulations on your improvement in writing.
    Please study my suggestions/corrections.

    a) Try to use expressions like: With regard to my objectives … / In relation to my previous experience … (con respecto a ...)
    b) make it= ‘lograrlo’, ‘llegar’ Ex: you can make it if you try hard./ I coudn’t make it to the class yesterday’
    c) “because” versus “because of”
    1).We use “because” before a subject and verb.
    We stayed at home because it was raining. / I'm happy because you are here

    2). We use “because of” before a noun or a pronoun.
    We were late because of the rain. / I'm happy because of you.
    Here’s an excellent site to visit:
    You can also try:

    My ideal job
    Hello, everybody. Today I'm going to talk about my ideal job. Well, when I startED thinking about my ideal job, I couldn't think about/VISUALIZE/IMAGINE the place or institution that I would like to work IN, but I certainly know/ KNOW FOR CERTAIN what I want to do. I would like to work in poor neighborhoods, helping people in a couple of ways to improve their life skills. IN RELATION TO this/BY THE WAY, there's a government program called 'Servicio País' where two professionals, go to distant cities to work with people that need support in big troubles that communities have. THESE two professionals, must haVE PREVIOUSLY studied different careers, SO THAT each one CAN help in different ways to (/)solve/FIND A SOLUTION TO the problems.

    To enter/JOIN 'Servicio País' you have to APPLY AT the Foundation for the overcoming of (/) poverty and the conditions are that you have to have an academic degree (psychologyst, sociologyst, public administrator, etc.) and have the desire/INTENTION to work FOR two years far away from your home, family and friends. Moreover, you must be a proactive person, WHO WANTS/WHO IS WILLING to work in problematic contexts and without intentions OF MAKING/GETTING a great salary.

    I would be good at this job because (/) I could VISIT beautiful places, work with interesting and very different people and principally because (/) TOGETHER with a partner we could make a real contribution to the people.

    I think that the most difficult thing that I WOULD have to pass TO get this job is that a lot of people postulate to 'Servicio País', then I could EVENTUALLY be chosen or not according to an interview and my achievements along my life, but THERE’S a lot of good candidates! In spite of this, I would like to get this job, I hope one day I MAKE IT.
