
Ken Robinson Request

Hello people. Today I'm going to comment the conference by Ken Robinson about creativity and it relation with the actual education systems.

First, Robinson starts talking about the world that we live and the great ability that kids have, and how adult people could help kids to kill their creativity (because they make mistakes) or they could help them to be more creative. In fact, with a funny example (Shakespeare as a child) Robinson explains that adult people must trust in the kids.
Another important point that Robinson highlights is the structure of education systems around the world. All of them have the same hierarchy about the subjects (because of industrialization). First are Maths and Language and at the end is Music, Arts or Dance.
Finally Robinson makes a description about intelligence giving three important characteristics that it’s important to consider and develop. These are that intelligence are always diverse, dynamic and distinct.
According to Robinson it’s necessary know this topics about intelligence to make a good job helping kids to be creative people and, this way, work in creativity by the future, having new concepts about human ecology to make a better society.
Maybe Robinson it’s a visionary respecting to the future of our society, in my opinion a man that thinks very well about the development of the human mind.
That’s all, See you!

1 comment:

  1. Eduardo,
    You have written a fairly good account on Robinson’s talk. Your post shows an improvement in your writing skills.
    Don’t confuse ‘current’(present-time) and ‘actual’(real)
    These expressions use the word ‘to’ + verb: It’s important to/it’s necessary to/It’s easy to/It’s difficult to/ + verb
    (this topics): What’s wrong here?

    Ken Robinson Request
    Hello people. Today I'm going to comment ON the conference by Ken Robinson about creativity and ITS relation with the CURRENT education systems.

    First, Robinson starts talking about the world that we live IN and the great ability that kids have, and how adult people could help kids to kill their creativity (IF they PUNISH THEM WHEN THEY make mistakes) or they could help them to be more creative. In fact, with a funny example (Shakespeare as a child) Robinson explains
    that adult people must trust in (/) kids.
    Another important point that Robinson highlights is the structure of education systems around the world. All of them have the same hierarchy about the subjects (because of industrialization). First are Maths and Language and at the end is Music, Arts or Dance.
    Finally Robinson makes a description about intelligence giving three important characteristics that it’s important to consider and develop. These are that intelligence IS always diverse, dynamic and distinct.
    According to Robinson it’s necessary TO know thESE topics about intelligence to make a good job helping kids to be creative people and, this way, work in creativity IN the future, having new concepts about human ecology to make a better society.
    Maybe Robinson IS a visionary WITH RESPECT to/WITH REGARD TO/CONCERNING/ the future of our society, in my opinion HE IS a man that thinks very well about the development of the human mind.
    That’s all, See you!
