
My blog experience

Hello everyone, today I have to write about my long blog experience. I think it’s hard to explain. I guess there are two reasons, a good one and a bad one. First, the good reason; I think that writing blogs it’s a very good exercise for thinking in english, to practice grammar and a lot of things that makes that you improve your english skills. I’m trying to give an “objective” opinion and not my personal vision about write blogs. Now, the bad reason; I don't like English!!! Really I prefer to learn other languages, and really I hate the political strategy that means that people around the world must know english. English it’s not the most important language to me, first I prefer learn Mapudungún, Aymara or Guaraní. To me this is a very important critique to learn english language. I think it’s important that everything we learn has to be useful for our future and I think that I won’t need English language for my future or I’ll try to don’t need it.
However, I couldn’t say that blogging experience didn’t help me to improve my English skills, because it’s very good to practice, in fact I could remember a lot of things that I forgot about writing in English that I learnt at the school.
Certainly I think that writing blogs is a nice method, but sometimes it’s a little boring, this thing sometimes happens because the topics that the teacher propose are a little boring or (like this case) the post could be too extensive. Regards I propose that in other blog experiences, students could choose the topic or make short posts by example to make the blogs experience less heavy, especially for the people that don’t like English.
In my career, I could choose what subjects I want and I think that it’s a very good way, choose that I want to learn and I think that English must be the same form, I really think that.


My ideal job

Hello, everybody. Today I'm going to talk about my ideal job. Well, when I start thinking about my ideal job, I couldn't think about the place or institution that I would like to work, but certainly I know what I want to do. I would like to work in poor neighborhoods, helping people in a couple of ways to improve their life skills. Related with this, there's a government program called 'Servicio País' where two professionals, go to distant cities to work with people that need support in big troubles that communities have. This two professionals, must had studied different careers, for each one could help in different ways to resolve the problems.

To enter 'Servicio País' you have to postulate in the Foundation for the overcoming of the poverty and the conditions are that you have to have an academic degree (psychologyst, sociologyst, public administrator, etc.) and have the desire to work along two years far away from your home, family and friends. Moreover, you must be a proactive person, with desires to work in problematic contexts and without intentions to have a great salary.

I would be good at this job because of I could know beautiful places, work with interesting and very different people and principally because of with a partner we could make a real contribution to the people.

I think that the most difficult thing that I have to pass for get this job is that a lot of people postulate to 'Servicio País', then I could be chosen or not according to an interview and my achievements along my life, but it's a lot of good candidates! In spite of this, I would like to get this job, I hope one day I could.

That's all Good Bye everyone.


Ken Robinson Request

Hello people. Today I'm going to comment the conference by Ken Robinson about creativity and it relation with the actual education systems.

First, Robinson starts talking about the world that we live and the great ability that kids have, and how adult people could help kids to kill their creativity (because they make mistakes) or they could help them to be more creative. In fact, with a funny example (Shakespeare as a child) Robinson explains that adult people must trust in the kids.
Another important point that Robinson highlights is the structure of education systems around the world. All of them have the same hierarchy about the subjects (because of industrialization). First are Maths and Language and at the end is Music, Arts or Dance.
Finally Robinson makes a description about intelligence giving three important characteristics that it’s important to consider and develop. These are that intelligence are always diverse, dynamic and distinct.
According to Robinson it’s necessary know this topics about intelligence to make a good job helping kids to be creative people and, this way, work in creativity by the future, having new concepts about human ecology to make a better society.
Maybe Robinson it’s a visionary respecting to the future of our society, in my opinion a man that thinks very well about the development of the human mind.
That’s all, See you!